One Tree Planted x cocojune merch has arrived!
August 16, 2021
cocojune merch is here!
Sustainability is a steadfast goal with every cocojune collaboration we create. From the way ingredients are organically + sustainably farmed to our paper-based cups and certified plastic neutrality, we leave the lightest footprint and evolve our sustainability. Next up was our merch!
We landed on a pretty groovy trio (if we say so ourselves) and we’re stoked to see you rock your very own cocojune bandana, baseball hat, and long sleeve! Each item is made from organic materials. Plus, we teamed up with One Tree Planted to donate the proceeds from our merch to their planting projects! For every dollar spent on cocojune swag, then 1 tree will be planted in an ecosystem needing some tlc.
Here, we are sharing a bit about the three projects we’re excited to support! First up is their work aimed at helping to restore the Amazon Rainforest’s biodiversity and degraded land. They also educate local farmers about sustainable agroforestry. Furthermore, The Albertine Rift in Uganda to sequester carbon, utilize rainwater, and maintain the habitat of endangered species, including chimpanzees is supported as well. The last project focuses on decontaminating rivers and streams along the Pacific Northwest to help replenish the Orcas’ main source of food, wild salmon.
As we continue to grow, we wanna make sure we’re always doing our part to give back. Throughout all our work at cocojune we always positively make an impact and help protect the planet. We can’t wait to see you in your cocojune merch! Feel free to also read more about our sustainability journey here.