Dreamy Yogurt Bowl

September 30, 2022
Dreamy Yogurt Bowl

Bring on alllll the layers 👏 We’re always craving something sweet and this nut buttery, chocolatey layered june bowl has never let us down. This dreamy yogurt bowl is perfect for anytime of day, so grab a bowl and happy spooning ✨


  • 16oz container of Vanilla Chamomile cocojune
  • 2 Tbs of Fix & Fogg Almond Butter Cashew & Maple
  • 1.8oz Alter Eco Classic Blackout Dark Chocolate
  • Alter Eco Cashew Butter Granola for topping


  1. Divide your 16oz of cocojune between two cups.
  2. Melt your dreamy Alter Eco chocolate and let it cool to room temperature.
  3. Combine the melted yumminess with half of your room temperature cocojune for the ultimate mouse consistency.
  4. Combine your remaining CJ with 2 Tbs of Fix & Fogg’s almond butter.
  5. Layer these dreamy combos in your bowl of choice and top with granola for the ultimate salty, sweet and crunchy dreamy yogurt bowl!


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