Dairy-Free Mac and Cheese

September 15, 2021
Dairy-Free Mac and Cheese

Some things just go together, like macaroni and cheese or new syllabuses and comfort foods. 

This plant-based recipe for dairy-free mac and cheese is an easy one to whip up after class or before a study sesh and it’s the perfect fuel for a busy brain.

Yield – a larger meal portion


  • ½ pound of cooked pasta (we recommend shellbows or radiators)
  • ¼ cup reserved pasta water
  • 1 cup of soft baked sweet potato
  • 1 4 oz container of Pure Coconut cocojune
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp + salt
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast 
  • ⅛  tsp cayenne or more if you’re brave


  1. Remove the soft baked sweet potato from its skin once it’s cool and measure out 1 cup. 
  2. Combine the sweet potato, cocojune yogurt, and seasonings into the work bowl of a blender and combine.
  3. Taste the mixture for seasoning and adjust if needed.
  4. In a small pot, combine the pasta sauce, pasta, and a little bit of pasta water as needed over low heat until warmed through. Transfer to a large bowl and enjoy!

If you enjoyed this recipe, we think you’ll love the rest of our june recipes posted on our blog!


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